Prayers for individuals, groups, and even nations may be included (by name or specific reference) in the morning prayers for two consecutive Sunday mornings. These are printed in bold in the bulletin insert for the next two weeks, but the names will remain on the Prayer List for one month or for longer, upon request, in which case they will be in italics.


There are several ways to communicate prayer requests:

1.      Speak with the Pastor. Feel free to speak with the pastor or a deacon about any concern or need.

2.      Write a concern on a blue index-type card (available in the pews) and put it in an offering plate. The minister receives these cards and tries to include these prayer requests in the morning prayers.

3.      Call the Church Office.  You may call the church office (phone 781-447-5557) at any time to share a prayer request. The Church Secretary will print them in the Sunday bulletin insert. Please leave your name and telephone number.

4.      Write a Note.  If you are in the building at a time when the office is closed, please write a note and leave it in the basket on the office door.
If the church is locked, you may put a request through the mail slot near the door and window off the parking lot. In addition to the specifics of the prayer request, be sure to include your name and telephone number in case there are any questions.

5.      Email the Church.  Send an email to to share a prayer request. The Church Secretary will print them in the Sunday bulletin insert.