
 11:00 a.m.: Fellowship



Go paperless!!  Now you can give online!!

Click the link below or scan the QR code


 Online WebPay





E-mail ADDRESS: uccwhitman@gmail.com



Church Office # 781-447-5557


Margaret Mannke – Secretary

Office phone: 781-447-5557


Music Director/Organist:  Heather Peel


Reverend Rick Giragosian will be preaching this year.




AMERICAN RED CROSS: SOUND THE ALARM Campaign is offering to Whitman residents FREE smoke detector w/installation.


Schedule an appointment by texting your name and contact phone number to

ARC Volunteer, Anne Williams at 508-345-8988







for December 13th, 2020

Click here to view Sunday's sermon






Home Communion and visitation now available- please call the church at (781) 447-5557 to arrange.


 Mask restriction lifted (if fully vaccinated)!

As of Sunday, June 6th, 2021, anyone fully vaccinated is not required to wear a mask.

Social distancing guidelines will remain for another week until June13th service.






Church and Fellowship hall are available for your event


Please contact the church office for available times and costs


Baby showers- Wedding Showers- Collations

Weddings and Special Events


The fellowship Hall underwent a beautiful face lift.


Check us out when planning that special event.







All Ages Welcome

Volunteers needed – signup sheets in sanctuary.




 Church Openings Right-Click on the filename below to download this image and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As"

Interested in joining a committee or be a representative on the board?

Openings are available for all church members young and not so young.

Learn more at fellowship or by asking a current committee or board member


How about greeting, usher or counting collection?  Sign up on the clipboard in the back of the sanctuary.

Thank you for considering taking a more active role in your church as a much-needed volunteer! Any time you can give, is sincerely appreciated.


  "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. " Henry Ford





Wednesday Wonderings will be the resource for updates on worship services and prayer requests.

Please email Gail at iamgjc@icloud.com with joys and concerns to share.


A live Facebook broadcast (available also as a link on this website) will be available each Sunday until further notice.



God Cares. Yesterday today and tomorrow



All over the world folks are doing what they can to support and give comfort in this time of uncertainty.

Everything has changed but God is our constant. 

God will comfort the grieving and give strength to those who are in need

There is hope found through prayer and our continued faith that God will be there for all of us.



Our church family is amazing when called upon to help.

Some ideas.....
Fill the plastic container outside the parking lot door with food for the food pantry

Drop off cards in the office mail box to be mailed to area nursing homes or our shut-ins.

Put a sign with a word or picture of encouragement in a window or in your yard

Every day at 3PM let's all take a moment to connect spiritually with prayer.

A moment in time each day to pray for those who need God’s comfort and care.


Your deacons are available via email or phone. We are committed to help however we can.

Russ Greene:  781-447-5047

Wayne Brundige:  781-447-1021

Frank Kawa:  781-308-5511



The Lord hears when I call to him. There are many who say, “O that we might see some good!”

Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, O Lord

In peace I will both lie down and sleep.

For thou alone. O  Lord, makest me dwell in safety.











Part-Time/ Mother’s Hours

Competitive salary.  Training provided.

For detailed job description and/or to submit resume with cover letter, please email

1stcongrsecretary@gmail.com or call the church office at 781-447-5557.


Wednesday Wonderings

February 5th


“And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing,

You shall receive.”

Matthew 21:22


Never forget that nothing is more powerful than prayer,

Nothing is more powerful than faith, and nothing is greater than God.




Snowdate—Sunday, February 16th




 February 16th at 1:00pm

 Rev. Rick will be reading excerpts from his books

 A Memory of the Forgotten and Losing Eden.


All proceeds from the sales of the books benefit the MainSpring Program.


Light refreshments will be available. 

Tell a friend – Bring them along




Deacons Breakfast

Sunday, February 23rd 


Guest Speaker- Jennifer Adams, OCC Southeast Coordinator

Samaritan’s Purse Presentation—Please join us if you are able! 




Casey Coots accepted at Cardinal Spellman High School.




Notification of church cancellation will be emailed on Saturday afternoon.

This will be the protocol for any upcoming storms. 


Book Sale

Reverend Rick’s books are flying out the door.

Get yours soon!


Reverend Rick has written two books that he has generously donated, A Memory of the Forgotten and Losing Eden.


Proceeds from the sale of each book will go to our MainSpring Mission.


Books are located in the fellowship hall. Please see or call Gail Clement (617) 838-2842 or Barbara McLaughin to purchase.  For more details or to reserve a book for pick up, email Gail Clement at:  Iamgjc@icloud.com


February 9th – Annual Meeting following Worship Service

February 23rd – Deacons Breakfast

Guest Speaker- Jennifer Adams, OCC Southeast Coordinator

Samaritan’s Purse Presentation

March 4th- Board Mtg.  (All church members welcome to attend.)

March 22nd – Annual Rummage Sale--Drop off dates TBD soon


Prayers for

Elaine, Joan H’s friend

Diane I

Richard B

Miriam and Joe T

Dan B

Justin, Peter C's grand-nephew


Alex, a friend of Casey's and Kelly's, no new treatments available for cancer 

Lina and Ryan M, Russ G's inlaws





ALL SAINT'S THRIFT SHOP:   All Saints Church in Whitman Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10-2 and the first Friday of every month from 4-7 p.m. 



Sandwiches for MainSpring

3rd Sunday of every month

This wondrous mission program sends 100 lunches each month

Meet in the kitchen just after service – many hands make light the load





Prayer Circle

On Sunday, after the benediction we will be joining hands in a circle to pray for those all around the world, as well as those close to home and in our hearts.