The Worship Service is held in the historic sanctuary of the church at 10:00 AM every Sunday, except in July and August, when the services are scheduled for 9:30 AM.


From September through June, a fellowship hour, with refreshments, is held almost all Sundays in the Parish Hall following the 10 AM Worship Service.  In the summer, lemonade and iced tea are served.


The Celebration of the Lord's Supper is normally scheduled on the first Sunday of each month—unless Easter or Pentecost fall within a week of that Sunday, in which case it is moved to the holy day. Members and non-members, including children--with parental permission--are welcome to receive Communion.  For elements we use broken bread (and also offer wafers) and grape juice.


Baptisms and receptions of members are scheduled at the mutual convenience of the families and the minister and a Deacon.




Special holiday services are held on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and other occasions, as determined by the Pastor, Deacons, or the congregation.


Other special services are planned throughout the year, such as a Christmas pageant on the Sunday before Christmas, Children's Sunday (graduates are also recognized) usually held on the first Sunday in June, and a Worship and Music Sunday on the next Sunday.


They are usually announced on a signboard or you can get details by calling the church office at 781-447-5557 or e-mailing UCCWhitman@gmail.com.